Il mio incontro con Wilhelm Reich

L’orgonomia applicata allo studio del cancro:20 anni al servizio della ricerca futura Avevo 20 anni quando per la primavolta lessi La Biopatia del Cancro di W.Reich e, come futuro studente di biologia,ero curioso di sapere come unopsicologo potesse intervenire su questa patologia.Ricordo che lo lessi quasi tutto d’un fiato perché,pagina dopo pagina, rimanevo sempre...

Scienza e Conoscenza

(science and knowledge) The orgone accumulator is a device able to collect, focus and make available in high concentrations the primordial cosmic energy (Orgone) that Dr. W. Reich discovered in the thirties-forties. The orgone energy controls and organises life, the organic and inorganic matter. The hypothesis of the existence of a vital energy is...


The Therapeutic Technique The orgotherapy uses three roads for the operation of the organism and are: the respiration the character analysis the bio-physical work on muscles The respiration The patient is invited to breathe naturally through the mouth. Usually, after a few minutes, the patient perceives various feelings in different parts of the body,...